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Spend Longer In The Sun With Your Valuables Safely Locked Up

Spend Longer In The Sun With Your Valuables Safely Locked Up

Holidays are perfectly partnered with long relaxing spells by the pool or dancing with your family throughout the night. Letting your hair down and enjoying yourself is one of the finer things in life but while you’re enjoying yourself, someone else takes note of what’s left unattended at your table.

It sounds like a horrible way to look at happy times, but many thefts are opportunistic. If there’s something valuable laying in the open, chances are that a small time thief may be open to risking it. It may be the last thing on your mind while on holiday but how do you keep valuables safe?

Keeping your valuables safe

Staying tethered to your table while on holiday takes most of the fun at of your break. Keeping your valuables safe is important but an easy solution to keep your keys, purse, wallet or watch away from harm’s reach is to use a portable safe.

Widely available with other travel items, travel safes like Flexsafe keep your valuables locked up and safe from being stolen. Using a Flexisafe means your valuables can be safely locked away and then attached to pretty much anything such as a parasol, pushchair or a beach lounger.

For anyone who wonders about how protective the travel safe is, the actual product is constructed with no less than five layers of slash resistant nylon material.

Being sand proof and water resistant, a travel safe is designed to cooperate with the fun times of a holiday and keeps your holiday lifestyle in mind.

Benefits of a travel safe like Flexsafe

Aside from the fact that a travel safe will effectively reduce the risk of having your valuables stolen, a portable safe has many benefits to give you that peace of mind to enjoy your holiday.

Lightweight. When you think of a safe you probably imagine a big black box. The lightweight and compact design of a travel safe makes travelling more enjoyable as you can wear the safe like a handbag and still have your hands free to enjoy gelato in Italy or fresh sushi in Japan.

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